ZVesper's Astrological Services


     WELCOME! Thank you for entering Vesper's astrological chart shoppe! I am now offering indepth birth charts & reports, transit reports, and compatibility reports. All of the reports and interpretations are personal and unique, typed by hand especially for you (my interpretations are NOT computerized--each holistic interpretation is written exclusively for your particular chart, taking the whole of your horoscope into consideration with the analysis). Each report runs in length from 25-35 pages, sometimes longer.

     Currently I am taking orders via email. Once you decide to order, please email me at vesperastro@yahoo.com, detailing the chart(s) you wish to order and the required information (see "What to Include" section of this web page—this is highly important!). I will respond quickly with an email detailing the total and where to send your check or money-order. Once I receive your payment, I will provide you the charts. I look forward to working with you!




Birth Chart w/in-depth interpretation...................$44.00


Relationship Analysis.....................................$44.00

(Based on synastry and archetypal compatibility analysis)


Transit Report.....................................$44.00

(Please indicate timeframe you are interested in astrologically forecasting)

Prerequisite: You must first purchase the individual birth charts for the individuals involved


FAMILY CHART PROJECT......................$250

Includes 4 birth charts w/indepth interpretations and a basic relationship analysis for all family members.

 * Please indicate relationships between people (label names for Mom, Dad, son, daughter, grandma, grandpa, etc. etc.)




What To Include:

First of all, your name and address (so I know where to send the charts!)

Also, in order for me to cast the charts, I will need:


For Birth Charts--

Name (Example, David Majjara)

Birthdate: (Example, April 12, 1975)

Birthtime: (Example: 4:36 P.M.)  *see note

Birth place (Example: Port of Spain, Trinidad)


For Relationship Charts—

Same as above, for all people involved. Include relationship labels (boy/girlfriend, spouse, mom/dad, son/daughter, brother/sister, etc.)




I love to have a feel for who I am working with. If you want to tell me a little bit about yourself, and what areas of your personality you’re particularly interested in, that would be great. Also, if you have a specific question (within reason)—ask me! I’ll address it in your chart interpretation for no extra charge.

     If you want to include a small picture of yourself, or a small family portrait, I wouldn’t mind that, either (and if you don’t want to include a picture, that’s fine with me, too!) I consider myself to be a bit intuitive (psychic might be stretching it...) and I think a picture sometimes helps me get me in tune with the basic character presence of who I am working with. But I’m also a private person, so if you don’t go for this idea, I totally understand.




For solitary birth charts, the kinds of questions I like to answer are:


1) What’s my ideal guy/gal/life partner basically like?

2) Will I find a career as a geologist (cosmetologist, astrophysicist, astrolger, chef,   

     banker, vet, etc.) fulfilling?     

3) Why do you think I’ve had so much trouble with men (women, parents, teachers,

    children, careers, etc.)?

4) How can I become more stable in my relationships (or career)?

5) Why do I always fall in love with scientists (or married wo/men, ministers,

    teachers, people not my age, people who I don’t even like)? Why do I go for

    nontraditional partnerships, etc.?

6) I have these intuitive feelings—where do they come from? Am I psychic?


I will try to address these kinds of questions in general in my basic chart, even if you don’t enclose any extra questions. But if you ask specific questions, I will focus more on those specific areas. Of course my advice is no replacement for the advice of a pysician or clinical psychologist.


For relationship charts, I’ll answer this type of stuff:


1) How can we optimize our relationship?

2) My mom says I don’t understand her. (Or vice versa!) What’s going on?

3) I want to show Amy I love her. What ways is she most receptive to love? (i.e., does  

    she receive love signals strongest physically, mentally, or spiritually?)

4) Andrew (or Janette) says I’m not a feeling person. But I feel things deeply and I 

    think s/he’s a hothead. Why the misunderstanding?

5)Or even...I just LOVE this guy/gal. What on Earth makes him/her so attractive to


6) How can we maintain a harmonious relationship?


*A Note About Birth Time: I can cast informative, detailed charts without birth time. HOWEVER, the quality of the chart is usually MUCH higher if I have the exact time (down to the minute, if possible). Still, even if all you can do is indicate the approximate time (around 5:00 A.M., about 20 after 4, some time in the evening, before sunrise, etc. etc.), narrowing it down at all would be a big help.

     A chart without exact birth time is much, much better than no chart at all; however, I do strongly encourage you to research and attempt to discern the exact time. (The reason for this is that some important planetary aspects and other factors in the chart move and change throughout a single day.)




--Astrology is for "entertainment purposes only." It is NOT intended to replace the advice of a licensed physician or psychologist.