
Vivisection: The act or practice of cutting into or otherwise injuring living animals, especially for the purpose of scientific research.

The False Information

#1: Many believe that vivisection, thought it causes horrible pain to the animal they cut open, benefit the medical world greatly.

In fact, there have been hardly ANY contributions that have come from animal testing. It is basically a "scape-goat" method to save money.

#2: It is also a popular belief that animal testing is required by law.

Untrue! It isn't required by the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

#3: The companies who perform these tests in their "research", claim that they do it to ensure their customers' safety.

Again, false. Like I said before, chemicals don't affect animals the same way they do people, like with chocolate. So, although a lab dog reacts ok when Clorox is forced down is throat, it may KILL humans.

Animal tests are really done to limit the company's liability if a person gets sick from swallowing their product, for example. They can say,"But, in our lab tests on a dog, he did ok." The company owes less money to the person if they sue the company.