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Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
Lt. Frank P. Albrook Post 3822
APARTADO 0843-02775
Panamá, Republica de Panama

Meetings are held the second Thursday of every month at 11am at the post home. Edificio Adventura, Room 303, located in the El Dorado area.

History of our Post

Balboa Fill Landing  Field was renamed in honor of First Lieutenant Frank P. Albrook (Air Service, U.S. Army), who on March 16, 1921, was assigned to the 7th Observation Squadron (under the command of Captain Henry H. 'Hap' Arnold) at France Field. Lieutenant Albrook was responsible for activating and assuming command of the 8th Air Park at the Balboa Fill Landing Field before his untimely death on September 17, 1924, from injuries received in an airplane accident at Chanute Field, Illinois.

History of Lt. Frank P. Albrook and crash photos

History of Lt. Frank P. Albrook Post 3822

Construction History of Lt. Frank P. Albrook AFB


VFW Post 3822 2009-2010 year

Commander: Richard A. Allar Sr. Vice Cmdr: Jose Martinez
Jr. Vice Cmdr: Mikeal Eberhard Chaplain Loren Klopping
Surgeon: Dalton Johnson Quartermaster: Richard Naylor
Adjutant: Floyd Skoubo Svc. Officer: Dalton Johnson
Advocate: Fred MIddleton Public Relations:
Trustee 3 year: Leopoldo Allen Trustee 2 year: Miguel Charris
Trustee 1 year: James Wilkins Guard: Alfredo Pasamante
Officer of the day: Anthony Bonilla

Installation of 2009-2010 Officers click here

2009-2010 Installation

Remember our next meeting will be at the Post Home. September 10, 2009 at 11 AM, Edifico Adventura, It's on Tumba Muerto/across the road from Auto Centro, we are room 303. Post Home Club is open from 5 pm til 9 pm Friday. Also after our montly meeting.


For Links to Veterans Affairs

(includes how to get a copy of your DD 214). click here

Source of information on Veteran Affairs


Pics from the VFW Post 2009 meetings click here

2008 Post Meetings

2009 Post Meetings


TAPS for our departed Comrades. click here



VFW Post has Adopted a Ohio Blackhawk Unit click here

A Co 1-137th Aviation Regiment


Post 3822 Events click here

Post Events


Veterans still making a difference.


Visitors to this site


To contact VFW post 3822, Email us at:

Web Master : Floyd Skoubo, Life Member VFW Post 3822

*** All rights reserved ***

*** 26 Aug 2009***