Dean A. White

I am a candidate for Department of Europe Junior Vice Commander 2001-2002.

I have served in the Department of Europe since February 1992.  I held the position of District 1 Commander from 1992-94 (All-American 1992-93).  I then served as Post 27 Commander from 1994-96 (All-American 1995-96).  I was re-elected Post 27 Commander for the term 1999-2000 (All-State Commander) and continue to serve in that position.

I served as Department Junior Vice Commander for the term 1996-97 and was elected Department Senior Vice Commander 1997-98.  Unfortunately, I had to resign due to personal problems and I am now seeking to go through the chairs once again.

I have served as Post Quartermaster, Adjutant and Judge Advocate; District Quartermaster, Adjutant and current Judge Advocate (since 1994); and Department Judge Advocate.

Dean A. White

My Favorite Links:

VFW National

Dept of Europe

District 1 Internationale

VFW Post 27

My Personal Page

For further information, contact:


Dean A. White
