
Morphs are specially made robots designed to act as second bodies for Mobian Elite soldiers.  Morphs are a project originally invented and created by Streak, but Greno is assisting in the perfecting of them.  Hopefully, every Elitian will have a Morph as their own in the future.  How Morphs work are as follows:  A special clip is attached to the host.  When the host loses conciousness in any way, their brain waves and concience are transfered into the Morph, letting the Morph act as a second body while the host's body heals.  This way, the soldier can be out of commission and still use basic functions.  The Morphs pictured are prototypes used by Jet (left) and Streak (right).  These prototypes only allow for the speed and strength of the Morph, not the host, so they aren't used in battle.  Greno is working on a way to perfect the Morphs so they will be exactly like second bodies, functionality and everything.  That way, Morphs will also be able to be used in battle.