Hello, and welcome to the Blindness & Technology web site. This is truly the ultimate web site for the Blind and Visually Impaired. I say this because of all the different areas that the Blindness & Technology web site focuses on. For example, you can find technical support documents for various pieces of Assistive Technology. You can also find training tutorials for Computer / Assistive Technology training. You can also find links to the various Guide Dog Schools in the United States, and you can find links to various organizations that are geared for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

There is even a Career Center found on the Blindness & Technology web site. Now this Career Center can be used by anyone who is seeking a successful career, but it was designed with the Blind and Visually Impaired in mind; in other words, there is going to be allot of information about achieving successful employment with a visual impairment or other disability.

Now this Career Center will help lay out the steps for you in order to meet the goal of achieving a successful career. Not only does it lay these steps out for you, but it also helps you through these steps. For example, when it comes time for you to write your resume, The Career Center has tools to help you write that impressive and effective resume. The Career Center can even help you find that perfect career position, it can help you prepare for the interview, and it can also help you in relocating to your new job.

So now that you have had a brief overview of the Blindness & Technology web site, I now need to share some information with you concerning using the Internet. I must share this information with you to ensure the Speech Friendliness of this web site. When viewing a web site that has a Midi file playing in the background, such as the ones that make up the Blindness & Technology web site, you can stop the music at any time by just simply pressing the Escape key.

This information is very important to know if you use a software synthesizer such as Eloquence, DEC Talk Access 32, or Microsoft Via Voice. Now for those who are using a software synthesizer, I apologize for the inconvenience. Now for those who are using a hardware synthesizer such as a DEC Talk or a Double Talk, this should not be an inconvenience for you at all, unless you have your multimedia speakers blasting. So take a moment to listen to the Midi file that plays when you open one of the pages that make up this web site, and see if you can name that tune. You can check yourself by visiting my Music Gallery that is found on the Blindness & Technology web site as well.

Now one last thing that is worth mentioning before you begin viewing the blindness & Technology web site is that every file that has been uploaded to this web site is virus free, and I used McAfee Virus Scan to scan these files. Therefore, you do not only have a Speech Friendly site, but you have a virus free site as well.

So now that we have gotten this bit of information out of the way, you can begin viewing the Blindness & Technology web site without any further delay. I hope that you find the Blindness & Technology web site very useful and some what entertaining.


To view the Blindness & Technology site, click here.


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