Miracles that Baffle Science

Knowledge is out there...waiting to be acquired...God reveals it...slowly to man...a little a not to overwhelm man...but when knowledge is...beyond man's is wise to recognize...He who is omniscient...

The Incorruptibles

When one dies, the body succombs to nature and starts to decay usually within 2 weeks(at least by 5 years with some agents according to local Funeral home). Formaldehyde and other agents may retard the process. It is common practice in Catholicism to exhume("dig up") the bodies of saints for relics. Supernaturally, some saints haven't decayed. Despite the clothes, the coffin, and other things that were buried, the body, the skin, hair, nails, etc., remain intact. St. Bernadette, the visionary of Our Lady of Lourdes, is a remarkable example of this. Though deceased over 100 years, her body remains incorrupt.
(St. Bernadette's Incorrupt Body)
St.Catherine Laboure, the visionary of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, also remains incorrupt.
(St. Catherine Laboure's Incorrupt Body)
See "The Incorruptibles", by Joan Cruz.
Miracle Eucharists
"Do this in memory of Me." "Those who you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood, have no life in them." "My flesh is real food and my blood real drink." Throughout the centuries, Catholics have been recieveing the body, blood, soul, and divinity, of Jesus Christ at Holy Communion during the Mass. Sometimes the consecrated host has been subject to malais or neglect. God, in His marvelous generosity, interceded during some of those times, allowing the bleeding of the consecrated host to take place or for it to become flesh or both. The Miracle Eucharist of Lanciano, Italy, was one of those situations.
(Miracle Eucharist of Lanciano)
Another miracle occurred in Siena, Italy.
(Miracle Eucharists of Siena)
See "Eucharistic Miracles" by Joan Cruz.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
God has painted the earth and the skies with greatness giving them color, texture, etc. His greatest artwork is painting our souls with our bodies, and it was "very good". Arguably the greatest painter of the human race, Michelangelo, was renoun for his beautiful religious paintings on the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Many artists painted the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, an extraordinary thing happened once, God painted a picture of His beautiful vessel through whom salvation came; from her womb to the cross. The Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, is this said painting.
(Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe)
The Shroud of Turin
What can I say about this?
Shroud of Turin