25th Hour

25th Hour
[DVD Info]

Montgomery Brogan (Edward Norton) is going to jail for 7 years for possession of heroin. We follow him as he spends his last 24 hours of freedom with his friends, family, and girlfriend. He contemplates how his life turned out and all the mistakes he made. He tries to tie up loose ends in his life and makes peace with the ones he loves. He did the crime and he’s ready to do the time but he can’t help but wonder…who set him up?

"Saving this dog was the best thing that ever happened to me. Every good day he has after that night, was because of me." -Monty talking about his dog.

The 3 cops who arrest Monty. They were lame! Especially the head cop who went "shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" ~_~ I wanted to kill him every time he opened his mouth.

Mary (played by the girl who plays Rogue in Xmen). She was annoying. I hate people who act all tough and sexy and can't deliever when it's time (Like that girl in American Beauty...I liked her though).

Spike Lee kind of bothers me in general...but this movie was pretty good.

This movie was released a bit after September 11th so there are a lot of references to it. Monty's Dad's bar has memorials for the firemen who died, Monty's mirror image recounts his hate for Arabs, and how his Irish childhood friend Frank Slaughtery (Barry Pepper) has a birds-eye view of Ground Zero from his million dollar condo. It's pretty harsh to say but the Sept. 11th stuff seemed forced and unnecessary to the plot of the movie (except that he lives in New York?) It took away from the movie, like they would go off on tangents about it and it made the movie uneven. Overall, this movie was pretty good. For once, a Spike Lee flick wasn't full of propaganda (well...I don't like how he plays off American's emotions with all that Sept. 11th stuff) and his hate for the white man didn't stick out like a sore thumb. The ending was rather open ended and you could pick which type of ending you liked better (happy or realistic, heh). The end was a slight tear jerker... You like to see that Monty regrets his former life and just wants to marry his girl and live a nice, quiet life. The characters (for the most part) were likeable and Edward Norton does an awesome performance. He's awesome. Because of this, the jury gives this flick: