I'm glad someone around here has balls!

Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, The
[DVD Info]

The story follows a man named Buckaroo Banzai (Peter Weller) who is a surgeon, a musician, and a hero! After he drives a car (going 500 mph) that disappears and reappears on the other side of a mountain, he discovers an 8th dimension where space creatures co-exist with humans. After a bunch of complicated (and probably inaccurate) science mumbo-jumbo it comes down to the fact that there's a huge population of aliens living on earth. All their names are John and all of them work for the same company (conspicious? Never!). With the help of Rasta aliens, Jersey (Jeff Goldblum), and his crew, Buckaroo must save the planet from being blown up!

When discovering how to teleport...only 6 reporters show up to report on it...and three of them are aliens.
With all the technology the aliens have...the most creative name they could come up with was "John".
Major heros sport Sally Jesse Rapheal glasses.
Rasta aliens are really fidgity
Mr. Bigbooty ("it's Boo-tay! Boo-tay!") is always in charge of the mega thruster.
80's synthesizer is the best music to fight to.
Special effects and 80's fashion did not stand the test of time.

"I'm barely holding my fudge here!" ~Secretary of Defense McKinley.

Hahahaha. Technically this movie made no sense. But who's really watching right?

Grragh! I hated Penny Priddy. It would have benefited the movie if she HAD killed herself.

I'd like to note that I watched the "extended" version...so I don't know how it differs from the theatrical verson...but...Ahhh. If this movie wasn't sheer entertainment value it would have been the worst movie ever. It really wasn't that good...but you have to enjoy the 80's crappiness on some level. The plot has holes bigger than the grand canyon...but it was worth it just to see Jeff Goldblum in cow hide chaps. But the special effects REALLY didn't stand the test of time. I'm surprised you didn't see a string holding up the alien ship. But alas, you have to love it. It's just so bad. I was amused. Because of this, the jury gives this flick: