On the run from Johhny Law.  It ain't no trip to Cleveland.

Bottle Rocket
[DVD Info]

We meet Anthony Adams (Luke Wilson) as he’s leaving a mental hospital. Dignan (Owen Wilson) is his friend who’s there to retrieve him. On the bus ride home Dignan and Anthony go over their 75 year plan for their lives. But first thing’s first…they have to practice being thieves. So they decide to rob Anthony’s parent’s house. When practice time is over they recruit Bob (Robert Musgrave), a guy who grows marijuana in his backyard and has a brother that beats him up, as their getaway driver. Together, all three of them knock off a book store and then go into hiding in a hotel 200 miles away. There, Anthony falls in love with Inez (Lumi Cavazos), a Hispanic maid to the hotel who can’t speak English. Bob steals his own car and heads back home when he finds out that his brother was sent to jail for the marijuana crops in their backyard. After that, one thing after another goes wrong for them. Will Dignan ever fulfill his dream of becoming a thief? Will Anthony ever lead a normal life?

Fireworks are very exciting.
Beware of landscaping companies.
Yellow jumpsuits are very fashionable.

"Bob's gone! He stole his car!!!" ~Dignan.

Owen Wilson's nose bothers me. I know he broke it...but it's sooo...like they put clay on his face and then punched him in the face.

Well…you certainly think this movie is going to be about one thing…and it turns out to be about…well…nothing at all really. It was mostly about Dignan’s aspirations to be a thief and how he just brought chaos to Anthony’s life. It didn’t really flow all that well to me…and the plot seemed to not really exist….at all. It was almost like a… “See spot. See spot run. Run, spot, run,” kinda movie. Dignan was really annoying and it didn’t make sense for Anthony (who just came out of a mental hospital) to surround himself with those types of people. Also, it seemed rather pointless that they threw in that little love story between Anthony and Inez but don't really touch on it at the end. It's like they love each other but...that's it. The movie had some great one liners…but that’s all it really had going for it. Oh well. It’s a good movie to catch on TV or if you have a few hours to kill. Because of this, the jury gives this flick:
