Kids think I'm funny.  I don't want to be funny, I want to be normal.

[DVD Info]

A girl named Carrie White (Sissy Spacek) is a social outcast. Her peers ridicule her and her principle can’t even remember her name. Her mom is a Jesus fanatic and when she goes from door to door preaching, it only makes her classmates make fun of her more.

One day, after gym class Carrie has her first period. She panics, not knowing what’s happening. All the girls in her gym class corner her and throw feminine products at her while taunting “plug it up.” To make things worse her mother finds out and calls Carrie a sinner and locks her in a closet and makes her pray. After all the girls in her gym class get a rough punishment, the girl who hates Carrie the most, Chris Hargensen (Nancy Allen), promises to take revenge on her. Sue Snell (Amy Irving) takes pity on Carrie and asks her boyfriend Tommy Ross (William Katt) to take her to prom. All the while Carrie discovers that she has telekinesis, the power to move things with her mind. She finally decides to take Tommy up on his offer and Chris and her boyfriend Billy Nolan (John Travolta) are hatching a plan to get Carrie. Will Carrie finally snap after a lifetime of abuse?

Sometimes all you can do is slap your student and shake her violently.
Don't count your chickens!
They're called breasts and every woman has them.
If you don't have a date to prom, you can't go.
Never pick on the weird girl.
Candles are a fire hazard.

"I can see your dirty pillows. Everyone will." ~Margaret White.

Nah...but technical stuff...

Are people really that mean? I mean, I was picked on all throughout school for being weird but no one ever threw tampons at me or wrote that I ate shit on the school halls (maybe they secretly wanted to…hahaha). This flick wasn’t that scary at all. All the abuse that Carrie took was just ridiculous. I just can’t understand how she sat there and took it for 18 years. Her mom was a certifiable nut job and she still took it. In fact, the abuse from her mother and classmates was so over the top and frustrating that it took a lot away from the movie. There was no suspense at all. After the first scene, you know that she’s going to kill every last one of those bitches. But…you gotta give it to Carrie, she really held in there. Personally, it would never escalate as far as it did even in the first scene with me…but if it did…I would have come out swinging, once I realized I wasn’t dying. Why were those girls so mean about Carrie getting her first period? My mom told me all about it and I was still terribly traumatized by it. I was in denial about it for a few days. Ahaha.

I suppose it was the ultimate “nerd-getting-revenge” story but in all, this movie came off more depressing than liberating. After all that, nothing. I would have liked to see it rain rocks in the end like they were originally planning to do. Oh well. It was the 70s. By the way…I have a technical question that contains spoilers for the end of the movie. [spoiler] In the end, her mom gets her hands pinned to the wall and when she dies, she just stands there, pinned to the wall. When you die, you become dead weight, yes? Would she fall, causing her hands to be ripped open? Just a thought. [/spoiler] This is a pretty good movie, but the ending is lacking. It’s just not powerful enough…but a good movie nonetheless. Check it out. Oh yeah...John Travolta plays a lunk head really well. Because of this, the jury gives this flick:

Definite Lackage
(Definite Lackage)