There's a jukebox in the other room that has the best music.  I'm talking vinyl...

[DVD Info]

Zoe Adler (Robin Tunney) is an outsider at her work and in life in general. One night she goes to a party that her co-workers planned (but she wasn’t invited to). As the night wears on she gets drunk with her co-worker Andrew Barber (Jason Priestley), whom she’s attracted to. At last call, Andrew offers to take her home because she drank so much. She agrees but tells him to wait while she goes and gets her cell phone from her car, where her stalker (that she didn’t know about) forces his way into the car and makes her drive off. While they’re driving he makes her speed up, hitting a bicycle cop and killing him (as well as knocking her unconscious). When she wakes up she’s being charged with 1st degree murder and is sent to jail. While awaiting her trial she is abused by other inmates which causes her to be able to be put under house arrest until her trial date.

Bill Daly (Tim Blake Nelson) is in charge of putting bracelets on people under house arrest. He is in charge of Zoe's braclet and as the days go on, Zoe and Bill start to bond and he starts to have feelings for her. Zoe has to prove that the guy who killed the cop exists and that she’s innocent. How will she be able to prove it when she can’t go any further than 57 feet from her modem?

D.J's are dangerous folk.
Stalkers who follow you everywhere you go with a huge camera is not obvious.

"No, I wasn't in the 'Pirates of Penzance'." ~Zoe.

None ^_^

This is a really great movie. The story is fairly original (as far as I know) and the soundtrack rocks my skull. You think it’s going to be about love and romance, but it turns out to be about something a little deeper than that. Robin Tunney is a really good actress, by the way. I love her. You definitely should check it out! It's really awesome. Zoe has really cute outfits too. Anyway, it's quirky, and I'm sure not many people have seen it...but it's GREAT! Check it out! Because of this, the jury gives this flick:

(A Little Confused)