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Lost in Translation
[DVD Info]

Bob Harris (Bill Murray) is an aging movie star from the states who is in Japan doing a photo shoot for an alcoholic beverage. Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) is a young woman who is tagging along with her husband (of two years) to Japan while he works. They both feel isolated and alone in this huge city full of people, and aren’t able to adjust to the time difference. They meet by chance but become close and fast friends grasping on to any normalcy that they can find.

"Oh my god! I have the worst B.O. right now!" ~Kelly.

Nooone ^_^

Don’t get me wrong…I really liked this movie. I really like Sophia Coppola’s imagery and direction. It was cute and had a lot of scenes that made me chuckle. I’m also fascinated by Japanese culture so it made this film fun for me. But seriously…nothing happens in this film. Action lovers…steer clear of this film. There’s a lot of talking…a lot of feelings…but nothing happens. I was a little disappointed by the ending. I’m not sure what I wanted to happen…but that wasn’t it. It was a good movie, but it didn’t really live up to the hype (maybe that was the problem). Because of this, the jury gives this flick:

Warm and Fuzzy Inside
(All Warm and Fuzzy Inside)