Franklin, I like meat, please change the subject!

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
[DVD Info]

On August 18th, 1973, five youths, Franklin (Paul Partain), Sally (Marilyn Burns), Jerry (Allen Danziger), Pam (Teri McMinn), and Kirk (William Vail) are traveling through Texas to stop by a graveyard to see if Franklin and Sally’s grandfather had been dug up by some psycho who was digging up people’s graves. When the police assured them his grave remained untouched, the group heads over to Franklin and Sally’s old house. On the way, they pick up a strange hitchhiker who acts crazy and cuts his hand open as well as cutting Franklin’s arm. They push him out of the moving van and keep going. This event sets the mood for the whole trip. Even though their low on gas, they finally arrive at the old house. After spending some time exploring the old house, Kirk and Pam go off on their own to go skinny-dipping. While at the watering hole they see a place to get gas for the van…but when they get there, they don’t find gas, but a home filled with bones, body parts, and…Leatherface! Will they get out alive?

Never pick up hitchhikers.
People in wheelchairs are cranky.
Chicken in cages is a horrifying sight.
Never go inside a seemingly empty house uninvited.
Pushing a wheelchair through the woods is damn near impossible.
The broom is mightier than the kitchen knife.

"Shut up you bitch hag!" ~Old Man.

Do you ever notice that movie trailers in the 70's give away the whole movie??? They show all the biggest parts and give the entire storyline away. They did the same with Taxi Driver and The Warriors.

Although this movie wasn’t in your face scary and didn’t use shock tactics to frighten you…it definitely had this creepy atmosphere about it that stays with you even after the movie is over. The old feel to it (since it’s from the 70’s) and the grainy picture really gets to you. I think the scariest character is the Grandpa When he sucked on her finger, it was creepy! Also...the sound of the camera in the beginning is so freaking creepy sounding! Although, one thing I don’t like about movie’s that claim that they’re “based on a real story” is that they have you believing that this story really happened. Of course, everyone knows by now that the Texas Massacre didn’t happen and it was based of a guy named Ed Gein who spawned such movies as Psycho and Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. Another problem? This is a big guy with the added weight of a chainsaw and a mask made up of dried up skins…that must be hard to see out of…and this dude is truckin’ nonstop. He’s never out of breath or tired at all…he must be in good shape. I also didn’t find Leatherface too scary. I actually felt bad for him; his dad was always abusing him and being mean to him. I mean he’s scary when he’s hauling ass after the girl but when you see him in family situations…you feel kinda bad for him. Anyway, this is definitely a good movie and everyone should see it at least once since it’s a classic. It was good. Because of this, the jury gives this flick:

Creeped Out
(Creeped Out)