by Kenneth Grahame

by Kenneth Grahame

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame is a wonderful and enchanting tale of Mole and the friends he finds in his journeys along the river bank.  


Complete Text of 'The Wind In The Willows   About Kenneth Grahame and where he lived


  Other works by Kenneth Grahame Biography of Kenneth Grahame


Quotes about The Wind in the Willows:

"One does not argue about The Wind in the Willows. The young man gives it to the girl with whom he is in love, and, if she does not like it, asks her to return his letters. The older man tries it on his nephew, and alters his will accordingly. The book is a test of character. We can't criticize it, because it is criticizing us. But I must give you one word of warning. When you sit down to it, don't be so ridiculous as to suppose that you are sitting in judgment on my taste, or on the art of Kenneth Grahame. You are merely sitting in judgment on yourself. You may be worthy: I don't know, But it is you who are on trial."
A. A. Milne


"Now I have read it and reread it, and have come to accept the characters as old friends; and I am almost more fond of it than of your previous books. Indeed, I feel about going to Africa very much as the sea-faring rat did when he almost made the water-rat wish to forsake everything and start wandering!"

Theodore Roosevelt