Hi and welcome to my page. Here you can find some info about me and my works, as well as read or download them. I was born in Russia in 1970. My background is in pianism and computer science. I moved to US in 1994, and now live in San Francisco, California. My poetry and short stories have been published in Russian press; In 1990 I co-authored script which has been developed into independent film Easyburg. My plays in English include: full-length My Precious Little Girl, and four one-acts: Applying for Humanship, Rain Check, Faster than SELF!, and The King of Kinds.  Rain Check has been staged by Expression Theatre Ensemble of San Francisco (1999) and by Muse of Fire of  NewYork (2001). This play has also been chosen by University of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade to participate in its research of American playwrights' dramaturgy.  I also invite you, if you are interested in Software Testing,  to  check out a LittleWebHelper - a demo of a HTTP record-playback  testing pattern available on this page.
Thanks for your interest in my works! Hope, you will enjoy the reading. If you would like to stage-read, workshop or produce my play(s), please contact me at .
Rain Check
The King of Kinds
Faster than SELF!
Software Testing (QA) is my professional interest, but it also offers a lot of room for creativity  and pattern exploration outside the carrer frame. If you're interested please download a LittleWebHelper demo, which shows how to record/playback HTTP based scenarios without conventional UI automation tools.
Download LittleWebHelper
I'd like to present to you Expression Theatre of San Francisco run by old friend of mine and my family's Andrey Esterlis. This theatre was concieved as a channel to promote interesting intelligent drama that speaks about fundamental interests and values of living beings. I am very proud to be one of members of Expression Theatre, and thoroughly enjoy working with Andrey. Please, visit Expression Theatre web site to find out about their season schedule. Click on this link to get to their page: Expression Theatre of San Francisco.