Old Catfish Allen
Ah yes, Old Catfish Allen loves that bass.  Play’s it every night, just before he eats some catfish and goes to bed.  He loves him some good catfish.  Grilled, fried, cubed or filleted.  It makes no never mind to him.  Not only does he love catfish, he looks like one.  Back in the day, we used to say,  “boy, I’ve never met a man that looked more like a catfish”.  Well, about that time Old Catfish was just getting started.  Playin’ in back streets and alley’s.  He wasn’t known as Catfish Allen back then.  He called himself Pine Cone.  Now, none of us liked that name much so we decided to call him Spoony, cus he always carried a spoon in his front pocket.  Nobody knows why.   ‘ Til one day, someone mentioned that he looked like a catfish.  Eventually, he was known as Old Catfish Allen. 
I’s black see, and I know talent where I see it.  This boy was to the gills in talent.  He played the meanest bass in all the South but boy, did he smell.  To this day, I don’t know if he ever bathed regularly.