Victoria Clark
Digital Portfolio
Texas Woman's University
English Composition- Instructor Donna Souder
Spring 2007

My Research
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College English Corner
Texas Woman's University
Instructor Donna Souder's Website
Instructor Donna Souder's Digital Portfolio
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Welcome to my digital portfolio! This portfolio was inspired by my English Composition Instructor, Donna Souder.  She was tired of assigning a boring paper portfolio, so for our end of the semester project she assigned a ‘high-tech’ digital portfolio. The purpose of this portfolio is to showcase my work from throughout the semester. If you are a teacher, professor or a student and would like some information on how you can put a digital portfolio together, Donna Souder’s website is available for you to e-mail her for information regarding our class portfolios.  My portfolio has links to research papers I have completed throughout my freshman year at Texas Woman’s University and it also gives a detailed look at my past semester’s English assignments. Not only can you explore my academic background, but you can find information about my life away from all the studying.

Along the way you will see many pictures and articles about me and my family.  My family consist of two people, my and I.  My dad has had custody of my since I was two years old and I think he did an amazing job.  Throughout this portfolio I tried to incorpoarte stories and pictures that show how close my dad and I are.  He is my rock and has been the one person I could count on my whole life.  I am now achieving the dream he and I have always had, me going to college. I am attending Texas Woman's University as a psycholofy major and I will be a sophomore in the Fall.  If it was not for my dad, I probably would not be here. He has pushed me my whole life and I can never thank him enough for that.

You will not only see me reflected through this site while surfing through my portfolio, but you will run into many English papers that I have written in, not only my Composition II class, but also in my Composition I class.  My Composition I Professor, Dr. Gowdy, inspired me to write critiques of different short stories, mainly Edgar A. Poe stories.  I love Edgar A. Poe’s short stories and I had a lot of fun putting in my two cents about what I think Poe meant in his writings. I explored many of Poe’s works and came up with the underlying meaning behind them.  You can find these critiques papers in the section labeled ‘My Research.’

My personal hobbies and interest are a section all of their own.  You will learn about my love for soccer and how it led me to where I am, or should I say where I ended up in college.  After my high school soccer career I received many letters from different colleges all over the United States to come play soccer for their school.  I ended up not playing soccer at all and following where my heart placed me, at Texas Woman’s University.  I choose not to play soccer, I gave up my passion at the competitive level, but I do still kick the ball around every once in a while. 

As you search through my portfolio, I hope you enjoy what you see and read.  Everything in my portfolio was put here for a reason, either to display my personal life or my academic life.  You will notice that the icon buttons are different, but they stay in a black-red color tone.  There differences represent the complexities of my life.  Everything I have done in my life has been different than anything I have ever done before.  All my research papers are different, my hobbies are different from one another, and my life as a whole is different from anyone else’s.  I hope you enjoy your exploration through my life in this digital portfolio.   If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail me. Thanks for looking into my life.

Victoria A. Clark