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Victorian Medicine is a comprehensive study by Henry Hattemer of professional and traditional medicinal practices, practitioners, and health trends in England between the years 1830 and 1910. It is best viewed in 32 bit color, 1024x768, with Internet Explorer 5.0; the links contain frames.

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Sections Description
Abstract The thesis of the site, along with a brief summary of each section of the paper: Practice, Science, Treatment, and Health Trends.
Practice Description of the different practitioners in the Victorian era such as doctors, surgeons, apothecaries, and nurses.
Science Current scientific theory of the era, such as anesthesia, antiseptic, the Miasma Theory, the Germ Theory, and the Bacteria Theory.
Treatment Common treatments used, including opium, morphine, laudarum, and traditional treatments.
Trends Victorian health trends such as infant mortality and life expectancy are outlined, along with health in terms of class, sex, and locality.
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