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Many thanks to the following individuals and organisations for their sponsorship and support:
Millenium Undergraduate Scholarship (NZFGW), The Patricia Pratt Scholarship in Musical Performance (NZVCC), Creative New Zealand, Butland Music Scholarship (Creative NZ), Kokako Concerts, Royal Over-Seas League/NZ Society, Lions Club of Auckland Chinese, Eric Liu, Nina Hsu, Terry Young, Wanju Chang
RNCM, Haworth Trust, Newby Trust Ltd., Philharmonia Orchestra/Martin Musical Scholarship, Countess of Munster Musical Trust, Craxton Memorial Trust

2006 Countess of Munster Instrument Purchase Loan Scheme
Contact and Booking Info
For enquiries or bookings for Victoria as concerto/recital soloist
and for all enquiries regarding the Barbirolli Quartet
please contact:

Tashmina Artists Management

For all other enquiries/comments please email:
victoriasimonsen 'at' hotmail 'dot' com