Mexico City Prayer Newsletter
Sept. 4th, 2003, Mexico City

God has been renewing our vision for prayer and outreach this year.

Prayer meetings continue Mon-Fri mornings as well as Tuesday nights, with deep, precious, anointed times of spiritual war, praise, brokenness, and powerful intercession. We happen to believe that EVERY prayer will be answered.

Our adults, children and youth have held many evangelistic events this year. Check out the Photo album for details.


Making the 1200 trip from Mexico City is always precarious -even more so when it's with 200,000+ mile vehicle and on a strict deadline. Sure enough, the deadline -the car's life that is - ended, in the middle of a desert. Leaving the car with a dubious overly-reassuring mechanic, we took the bus the rest of the way, arriving Saturday night. Sunday morning at Grace Community Church in Houston, friends asked us when we arrived. Brief descriptions of the ordeal follow.

After a wonderful service, heading out the door, Chuck Sheldon, Houston Police detective grabs me. "Come here a sec, I got something to show you." Following him out the door into the hot, humid Houston summer afternoon heat, he hops into a late model Volvo statio wagon, and looks up at my goofily confused face. "Like it?" (Texans speak straight, you know.) "Err. uhhh..well,." I stammer. "Well, it's yours if you want it."

As it turned out, we both were leaving the next day on trips. On returning, we actually ended up with a Chevy Blazer - a better bargain on Mexico's unforgiving roads. Amazing grace, and amazing people, keep us mobile for the work we still have left to do.


1. For hindrances to be removed for the purchase of our property.

2. For the teen outreach to schools, "Vive La Vida" in the last week of November.

3. For the outreach to the witchcraft capitol of Latin America, Catemaco, Veracruz, where we have reports that there is not ONE Christian church. This will be in December.

4. For businesses to be formed in order to free four men ready and desiring to work fulltime for the Lord.

5. For the donation of a passenger van and a portable sound system for use in regional and national evangelism campaigns.
Greetings loved ones and compaņeros in the work of Christ.  Check out what God has been doing through some very weak vessels in the world's largest urban area.
My Favorite Links:
Greater Grace World Outreach
Scrappleface -Sarcastic News
As missionaries under the Greater Grace World Outreach affiliation, we started and are pastoring a church in Mexico City with the vision to start more churches in Mexico
Name: Pr. Bruce and Robin Moon