
The Viennese Ball - Season

What is the carnival in Rio is the Ballseason in Vienna. But unlike in Rio, the carnival in Vienna is a very cold time and most of the activities are limited to indoor festivities. And as nearly everything in Vienna the "Balls" have a long tradition. Originating from aristocratic celebrations and official diplomatic conferences, it has become a very popular institution, and especially the typical Ball-dance music, the Viennese Waltz, started and enjoys a unique world fame.

The Viennese Waltz, broadcasted on television from the Viennese "Concert-House" to most parts of the world at every New Year`s Day, was created by the Ausrtian composer and musician Josef Lanner, who experimented with the tempo of traditional Austrian folk music, the socalled "Landler". (early 19th century)

Playing this "new music" very successful on various dance floors, the waltz became first very popular in the burgoisie of Viennese suburbs, and the new created dance was first a scandal for the higher society, because of the near by dancing!

Johann Strauss , another young musician of that time, found his passion in this waltz, and he turned out as a fabulous composer. With Johann Strauss the waltz found its way even to the aristocratic society and soon Johann Strauss was called to start his career as the "musicmaster" at the emperor`s court.
1999 was in Austria the so called Strauss Year.

Johann Strauss Wine - from the original region of his living and working

In former times Balls were an opportunity to introduce the sons and daughters into society and to present them or oneself on the so called "silver tray" for later marriages. And still today tradition is that the young people are opening the Ball with the so called "Polognaise", a kind of ceremonial dance. Girls are wearing glamourous white dresses and the young men black tails. After that, the ceremony-master proclaimes:

"Alles Walzer",
what means, that now everbody
may join the dance floor.

The main attraction today is to be there, to see others and to be seen, to be a part of "high society", dancing Waltz and drinking champaign until the morning. The most glamourous balls in Vienna take place in old, estimable, historical palaces, palais, museums, and theaters. The most famous and of course the most expensive is the Opera Ball in the

Viennese Opera House

The Vienna State Opera Ball


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