
Welcome to my shrine to the creative talents of myself and my friends. If you have anything original (writings, artwork, music, etc.) you've created that you would like for the world to see, please let me know and I'll post it here for everyone to admire. And I promise that Yahoo!GeoCities won't steal it from you.

Last update: July 26, 1999
This is just the beginning of what I hope becomes an exchange of ideas and constructive criticism. Here's what I got so far.

Delaware Basin Reflections
A short prose I wrote while out stormchasing, in multiple senses of the word.

The Adventures of Artsy and Fartsy
A short story by P. Kellach Waddle
Definitely odd. Kel does for the short story what Salvador Dali did for realistic painting.

NEW!!! The Adventures of Artsy and Fartsy, Part 2
compiled by P. Kellach Waddle
The continuing adventures of America's favorite imbecile bargain hunters!

Make sure and send your stuff!
I wanna go home!