Back in NYC
After an absence of some 21 years the family home is moving back to New York from Esmond in Rhode Island (where it had moved to in 1977, as the kids started to approach school age)
Shyam, the oldest son of the house, graduated from Manhattan College in
New York in 1993, and now works and lives in New York City
(Shyam's page has a few Vacation Pictures from a recent trip to Europe)
Krishan, graduated from New England Conservatory of Music in Boston in 1996,
and after an year of graduate work at the University of Connecticut at Storrs, is
striving for an apprenticeship position with an opera company
(Krishan's page has a couple of   Family Snapshots)
Rajni, the family's youngest, finished her High School studies on 11-June-1998 by graduating from La Salle Academy in Providence (3rd in a class of 237).
Rajni is now studying at Fordham University in New York
Ginny and Balbir work to keep the house together

Our intent is to eventually have this page provide links to

Family News
News about the young of the family (Rajni, Krishan, Shyam)
News of our friends (in the US, the UK, and India)
and also ...
Web Sites that we have come to like (on Arts, Travel, Languages, Workaday assists, ..)
Last Update: 21-Apr-1999
Favorite Web Sites   Languages  Languages World Papers  World Newspapers