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City Chinese Orchestra
The Heaven Of Music Created 26 June 1997

Web Composer:
Wong Chin Loon
28 Jun 1997
Feedback, comments
and suggestions
are welcomed.

My Creation Created 26 June 1997

This is the second creation. The first page I made was in the HTML Introductory Lesson conducted by the Computer Club of Faculty of Business Administration in National University Of Singapore. That was when I became addicted to web pages. Making web pages is never a difficult task. At least, I feel that it is not as difficult as I had imagined. In fact it is fun.

I uploaded my first web site in February this year. Feedback were mostly positive. However, I feel that it was not very well organised. In fact, the background which featured the photo of me was unique but ugly. It was undoubtedly impressive but the impression became disgusted over time. At least that was how I feel. The content had no focus. It is like a Garbage Can, I dumped anything I can think of into the web site. There are Address Lists and Photos (which some of my friends accused my of invading their privacy), Music Pieces Elaboration (had being performed in March 1997 and became outdated quickly), Quotes (which was inspired by Marry Warren, a quote lover in Virginia, US), two Concert Review (which is a brave act to put my opinion on web), and a lot of forms (which nobody fills up). The only thing I am proud of is that the links were well-made, you can go anywhere from anywhere. But the content is discouraging. That is why I am determined to improve in my second creation. The targeted audience of my first web site is my friends. This time, I hope to reach out to more members of the cyber-community. Pass along this web site address, and you will be doing me a great favour.

All the Giffs here are customised to give my site the right touch. Forms and animations are minimised, for I find that beside being impressive, they are rather distractive and redundant. Java Scripts are included to make the site more attractive. The interface of each page is standardised to speed up download time (if you have sufficient cache memory in your web browser). So sit back and enjoy. If you want to use any of the materials in my site, kindly notify me and maybe I can give you some help and advice. If you have any comments and suggestions, kindly let me know, so that I can improve upon it. And finally, if you need to design web pages, but do not have the time or expertise, I will work for you for a reasonable price, contact me through e-mail. Thanks.