
Sound Files

Quartetto di Fiesole


16-bit Stereo (2.3MB)

8-bit Stereo (1.1MB)

8-bit Mono (.6MB)


CD-quality sound is sampled at 16bit/44.1KHz and takes up 10MB per minute. These files have all been downsampled to 22K and are of three different types:

These sound files are all saved in the "WAV" format so as to be as compatible as possible. Any sound capable computer should, therefore, be able to read them.
On Macintosh computers there are several shareware programs that will read "WAV" files.
SoundApp works very well and is easy to use. The latest versions of Netscape Navigator will also read "WAV" files directly.

If you have a modem connection, download time can be a problem. I've found that the best time to download is between 4-7am Greenwich Standard Time.

To order CDs, or for any questions, please email us at: quadroframe@dada.it


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Realized by Daniele Nuzzo © 1997