Nayden Todorov was born in 1974 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He received his first piano lessons at age of five and at the age of sixteen he led his first concert as conductor. He studied with professor Alexander Vladigerov in Sofia and later with professor Karl Osterreicher in Vienna. In 1993 he graduated “summa cum laude” from the Music High-School "Dobrin Petkov" in Plovdiv, specializing in trumpet, piano, conducting and composing. In the same year he started studying conducting under professor Uros Lajovic at the Music University in Vienna. He completed the first part of his studies 1996 and went to Jerusalem, where he continued his musical education, specializing in conducting with Mendi Rodan, Music Director of the Israel Symphony Orchestra and professor at the Rubin Academy of Music. 1995 - 1997 Nayden Todorov has been recipient of the scholarship of the international foundation "St. Kyrill and Metody" and Rotary Club - Vienna, and 1996 -1998 – of the Georg Wachter foundation - Switzerland. Nayden Todorov won a prizes at the national competition "Svetoslav Obretenov", the competition for Czech music, as well as the Special prize of the Slovakian music funds, prize of Foundation "Borghese", prize "Sdravko Manolov", prize of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and Education and others... He has already conducted various orchestras in Europe, Asia and America. While still a student, he created the Youth Orchestra "Plovdiv" with which he toured extensively in Germany, Austria and other countries. 1995 - 1997 he has been conductor of the Vratza Philharmonic Orchestra, 1997-1999 - of the Sofia Festival Orchestra, 1998/99 - Resident conductor of the Haifa Symphony Orchestra (selected from 150 conductors from all over the world) and Music Director of the Vidin State Philharmonic Orchestra. He recorded over 50 CDs for RENT Music, Danacord, IMI,  Hungaroton and MMO and he made also several music productions for various radio and TV stations. Nayden Todorov has successfully participated at numerous festivals in Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Slovak Republic and USA. He is the Music Director of the International Music Festival “Thracia Summer”.