Folk Harp Journal

From the "Folk Harp Journal", Spring 1991

Transcribed By Ron Nixon

"A very nice lady who helps operate a harp and folk music store in California gave me a copy of the "Folk Harp Journal" that she edits. It features an interview with Loreena by Lauren Foster-Macleod. This lady understood the depth of tone in my voice when I expressed my love of the music and how jealous I was that she had a guest pass for one of recent concerts and was able to meet L.M.. The date on this journal is spring '91 so it's a little dated but I think you will find it interesting."


Lauren Foster-Macleod = LF:
Loreena McKennitt = LM:

On hearing Alan Stivell's "Renaissance of the Celtic Harp" in the 1970's, Loreena McKennitt was smitten with the quality of the Celtic harp, but was unable to obtain a harp of her own until she found one in a music store in London, England, in the early 1980's. It is that same harp - a black Lyon & Healy Troubadour that she plays in concert halls or busking in the market. It looks much traveled and much loved.

Loreena is a musician who combines her incredible singing voice with original arrangements on harp and keyboards. Along with beautiful traditional ballads, she sings her own compositions, some of which blend old traditions with newer ones, as in her "Huron 'Beltane' Fire Dance" where she finds the parallels in the fire dances of the Celts and North American Indians. The result leaves her audience spellbound.