Dreams can be a reality!

This is a picture of the first ever piano. It was created by Cristofori a 17th Century dreamer. He believed that he could make a piano with better action and better sound. One night he had a vision as to what the piano should look like and out of his dream and vision came the above picture. Here is a poem I wrote about his dream.

Lying on my work bench
Thinking of all the things I could do
I imagined an instrument to give the world sound
An invention to turn the world upside down
I have a dream one day they'll see
That it'll be a true reality
Cristofori's dream it will be
My vision my dream a part of me

This page is dedicated to Cristofori's dream. May his dream live on for many generations to come. His dream is what has made my dream possible!!! And all pianist's owe him a sincere thank you, so....Thank you for your vision and thank you for following your dreams Cristofori!!! *s* A very popular artist by the name of David Lanz has released an album of new age piano works entitle "Cristofori's Dream" It is an awesome CD and I would recomend it to anyone who loves the piano.

Please Feel Free To Read Some Of My Poetry

My Favorite Piano

My Families History

Pictures Of My Best Buds

Dedications to Each of my Special Friends

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