Armando Fernandes Bugalho Filho
Personal Music

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Meaning    Objective     Method      Resume       Results
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   Research  accomplished by me,  at the Laboratory of Psychoacoustics, UNAERP. Return

   To improve the quality of the people's life, using the sound as the main element in that task. Return

   To stimulate the person with sounds, to observe the reactions of her organism, to select the sounds to the which its organism answered favorably and finally to create a CD with the chosen sounds, that the person will be given at the end of the session, with the certainty that those sounds will be of great help in the development and personal balance. Return

   To connect the person, by means of Electrods, to a Hardware capable to generate EEG, ECG and GSR.
   The data are correspondents to a Computer, and a Software  changes the signs  into notes, using musical scales. Those notes are correspondents to at a Synthetizer Workstation , of the which the emblems will be used.
    When being stimulated with that sound, the person's organism reacts to the incentive, this reaction can be monitored in real time in the screen of the Computer. The sounds that stimulated a favorable reaction of the organism to them, they are used then in the elaboration of the Personal Music that will be recorded in CD and give to the person. The " favorable reaction of the organism " are that choosen by the study of the variations of the EEG, ECG and GSR, during the session and Personal Musc are the result of the conversion in notes musical of the reading of the biological signs mentioned above, nobody plays, at any time, any instrument type, the signs are generated by the Organism,  correspondents for a Computer and there transformed into musical notes.
As that group of apparels can monitor the reaction of the organism in real time, it can be use like a FeedBack machine, allowing the people to verify the reaction to the command, adjusting like this the necessary incentive to a certain reaction wanted as for example the variation of EEG for the production of a standard determinadao of wave (Theta, Beta, etc...) for the brain, or the variation of GSR (electric conductivity of the skin) or ECG. Return

For a better illustration, it follows a summary de  below as the experiences are being accomplished in our Lab
   The people interested in doing the experience with Wave Ware are submitted to three sessions.
   In all them, they are monitored: Heart Rate-C, GSR, Coherence A-B, Average Frequence, Digital Filters (in six windows, three for each each brain hemisphere).
1 - Theta waves 4 -8Hz Right and Left Hemispheres A-B
2 - Alpha waves 8-12Hz Right and Left Hemispheres A-B
3 - Beta waves 12-18Hz Right and Left Hemispheres A-B)
   In the first session is presented to the whole volunteer the present scales in the program and there are selected all those that stimulate the increase of " Coherence " among the two hemispheres A-B (once we are looking for the person's balance "). It is just used a midi channel (Soil) relative to " Coherence ".
   The second session: The several Timbres are presented (for a better sound quality, I use a Synth Korg N364 Music Workstation), and in the same way, there are selected the Timbres that stimulate the increase of " Choerence " A-B. In this phase three channels relative midi  are used to the: Coherence ", " Average Frequence " and " GSR "
   In him super-active people's cases, for example, we looked for a decrease of GSR and of Heart Rate, and of the people depressives the opposite. That is gotten through the variation of the value " Sampling Interval " that does with that there is the return of a larger or smaller number of notes a second, tends as answer the increase or decrease of GSR and of Heart Rate.  In all the cases looked for the increase of " Coherence ".
   In the third session, the volunteer is taken to interact with the program,  trying to modify the result of its biological signs to find its state balance.  That is done in the following way:
   In the a person's Case Hyper-Actives, for example, we already know, for the observations of the previous sessions, of its normal pattern of GSR, Heart Rate, Coerence and Average Frequence; of the Scales and Emblems that make it to enter in a relax state. If a person with a GSR 400, for example, needs to lower that value to decrease the Tension or Strees the one that it is submitted, and we know that she is taken to enter in balance state for the Timbres " Seashore " and for the Scale In-Sen, for example; we asked so that her, looking at the graph of GSR, try to lower, for a certain threshold, its normal value (we say to go down to for 300). As soon as she to reach that value, the program this configured to generate the sound " Seashore " (or others that we already know influence it) with the scale " In-Sen "; everything in a Rítm, Tessiture, Harmonic Pattern, that already know it stimulates it to enter in relax state. Starting from there a FeedBack, the sound is created he/she makes the person it to relax plus, and she gets more and more in way easy to control the value of its biological signs.
   The next step is to do with that the person knows the relationship between a sound and the biological sign that represents (input), until that she learns how to control the rhythmic and melodic variation of any sinal(GSR, Heart Rate, Digital,Filters) creating like this a music with the resources of the program (music that that we know, through the observaton in the computer, that is being good to do with that the person enters in balance state).
   Once confirmed the beneficial effects of the generated music, this is recorded in a CD that is supplied the person so that he/she hears whenever he/she feels stressed, tense or nervous, so that he/she enters in balance for the influence of the (its own! )music.
    Bellow, an exemple case of Julice Vanzela, submitted to the test and with a very satisfactory result of the musical point of view. Of the 140 theses already accomplished from the acquisition of the program, most demonstrated a very subtle variation of GSR. In the file of Julice we can observe an uncommon variation of GSR, with constant high and low. Actually she was trying to create the melody for the variation of its GSR. The result can be observadao linking the melodic line with the variation of graphic GSR (I increase of GSR, appearance of sharp notes, decrease, appearance of serious notes). Like her it likes the sound of the instruments of Strings of the Orchestra and of the sound of the waves of the mar,  it was used a sound configuration that represents those sounds, " String Ensemble ", and " Seashore ". That is just a small example of the several experências done to today.
   with relationship the non use of " Muscle ", is because I left the exploration and o  use of this function as work for the students that develop researches, in the area of Musicoterapia, with faulty physical, and therefore they will make use, with the help of the Physiotherapy, of that resource.
   in the tetes facts with our students and volunteers up to now, we observed that, for example, the people with musical knowledge usually have a GSR higher than they don't have them musical knowledge, besides a higher level of " Coherence " also. Those people have larger easiness in controlling its GSR and they arrive to a balance state, among the two hemispheres more quickly.
   The depressives people, to the they hear its music, they arrive to triplicate its GSR. Most of the people demonstrated a GSR that varies among 100-200, a patient with depression arrived to at 13 of GSR, the musicistas usually reaches among of 400-600. Just an only case, of a patient that had brain spill on the left side and two enfartes, demonstrated a GSR=0(ZERO!)
   The musicists is more sensitive to the exotic scales (in-sen, native flute, lidian dominant..., that stimulate the appearance of waves Theta in its brain hemispheres right and left) and the non musicists to the traditional scales (major, minor, major arp. pentatonic...) , while the larger and smaller western scales stimulate the production of Betha waves for the musicists.
    Thinks this relationship, the one of the production of waves Beta, mainly for the left hemisphere, that usually happens when we are having an activity mental intensa,  with the western scales, why is given when hearing those scales, the musician quickly identifies them, once fizeram,e fazem,  leaves of the its musical formation. Therefore the musician has enough elements to recognize, to translate and to understand the information that arrives, increasing like this the production of waves Beta.   But when hearing the scales oriental or exotic, he doesn't have the necessary information to decode the message, being like this just subject the the reaction pleasure emotional,  or unpleasure caused by that that it is heard, causing like this a variation in the waves Theta, Alpha or Beta, but in the right hemisphere, in the case of the skillful ones, once there the pleasure sensations are processed, emotion, etc...
     The musicians has also been demonstrating a larger balance, natural, without the influence of the sound, among the two hemispheres than the non musicistas. In that case, I believe that is because the musician uses the two hemispheres for the practice of its art, the Left, the racional,  analyzes and it decodes the information obtained in the staff, while the right, the emotional, process the interpretation, the expression of the emotional element contained in the music.
    shortly some resulting music of the process will be available in this Page to exemplify the work, and in a CD, while, E-mail me! to give suggestions, to remove doubts etc ...     Return
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