Blogging Bo


Only a simple record of my inexplicable existence status
Updated according to weather and mood



Tank top days



Third day in a row with brilliant sunshine. Love sunshine, blue sky, and jolly air – feel like going to the beach or exploring round town taking photos. Whatever, just not stuck in windowless office blocks writing stuff that’s humiliating to one’s intelligence.


Shock to learn that L’s handed in his notice. I’ve always thought him the sort of guy who would never change jobs. Even more shock to find out that he’s had got a scholarship to study in England… emmm… don’t really know where his merits lie.


A.Y. (darn! So many people with initial A, think I have to start devising a new naming system) still looks pretty much the same – still keep staring at me diffidently over the dinner table. I mean if he remained as h/s as before I would have liked him, but alas! That’s not the case. E’s practically a rattling nerd now, really worried about him. BTW, the Thai food was yummy.


The wound in mouth starts to feel itchy now, good signs of healing I hope.


There’s something I would like to quote from the de Botton book, but can’t find the page at the moment. Anyway, will sort out my thought later. Geez, have been procrastinating my application stuff again.  



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