Questions asked on "E-List" Survey

1. Are you (or your family) an immigrant (s) to the United States or Canada?

2. If so, when did you (they) first come?

3. Was it a direct journey, or where there stays in other countries before arriving here?

4. Why did you (they) migrate?

5. What conditions did the migrants find upon arriving (i.e. was there a support network of previous migrants, government assistance, family support, etc.)?

6. What occupation did you (most immigrants) do when you first arrived? Were there other Estonians working with you (them)?

7. Where did you (they) settle? What influenced this decision? Were there other Estonians there?

8. How difficult was adjustment/assimilation?

9. What steps were taken to preserve Estonian language, heritage and culture?

10. What social/cultural/religious/political organizations exist(ed) for imigrants?

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