Name: Chuck "Dweenil" Lester, Blatvian Czar

Birthday: June 29, 197?

Height: 6'2"

Weight: How the hell should I know?

Major: Political Science (this is subject to change without notice)

Secret Desire: to be first naked person in orbit (thus providing the inhabitants of Planet Earth a view of two moons.

Secret Shame: one word: gas

Pet Peeves: weak drinks, miniature dogs, the designated hitter, and people named Barry Switzer

Favorite Color: Magenta

Personal Quote: "Lava looks like it would be cool to play with, but it's really not."

Favorite Beverage: Beer and Sprite

Favoorite Food: Spam, eggs, Spam, Spam, Spam, and beans

Favorite Music: good

Hobbies: beer shotgunning, party songs, studying the impact and effects of an open market economy on post-communist Russia, and whatever the hell else I might decide to do at any given time
