Our Patron

St. Maximilian Kolbe was born 7/1/1894 in the Polish town of Zdunskiej Woli. He died in a hunger bunker at Auchwitch 14/7/1941. He gave his life away in order to save a man who already had a family. During his life, after he became a Franciscan Priest he put together an organization called "Milicia Niepokalanej" which was made at the beginning of only St. Maximilian Kolbe and a few of his fellow Priest's. Their goal was to spread the word of God around the world. He even traveled to Japan and set up a Magazine there called "Rycerz Niepokalanej" which is now published all over the world in many different languages. Pope Paul 6th made him a saint in 17.10.1971. Pope John Paul II canonized him as a Martyr and proclaimed him as the "Patron of our difficult century".

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