Styria, Oh Styria!!!

As you could tell, now I have ventured into the State of Styria, which is south of Vienna, and is home to Austria's second largest city, Graz. Although not overly big, Graz is quite impressive, as it lays in the southern Alps and serves as a gateway to Hungary, Slovenia, and Italy. yeah, I would definitely say that Graz is not even close to as impressive as some of the other Austrian cities, but it definitely is underrated. I enjoyed my time here, especially if you hear about my journey to Graz the night before.

Here is a great view of how graz sprawls out into the hills of Styria, as it looms majestically over the valley, which it has protected for the past 400 years. Below is a view of the Schlossberg, the fortress which lies upon the hill, and looks over the town.

Here is a great view of how I got down from the Schlossberg. These steps have been wonderfully crafted into the side of the mountain and are a pleasure to the eyes. At the top, it the clock tower, of which was very interesting to see how the bell tower works, and how it sounded from the inside. Below is a pic of the Graz Opera House, which is just as famous as its counterpart in Vienna. the house is very aesthetically pleasing and I'm sure that the performances there are wonderful.

The last picture I have to show you is just of me eating a Gyro from the street market. Most European towns have something like this, and there are always some wonderful smells coming from them, including Turkish food, Greek pasteries, etc.

Please feel free to visit the other plart of Europe, which I visited, and also the rest of the parts of Austria.