He Hath Done All Things Well

midi file - click to download
pdf file - click for printable score
1. Now in a song of grateful praise,
To my dear Lord my voice I'll raise,
With all the saints I'll join to tell,
My Jesus hath done all things well.

2. All worlds his glorious power confess,
His wisdom all his works confess,
But O his love what tongue can tell!
My Jesus hath done all things well.

3. I spurned his grace - I broke his laws,
And yet he undertook my cause,
To save my sinful soul from hell,
My Jesus hath done all things well.

4. Tho' oft my Lord his face doth hide,
To make me pray, or kill my pride,
Yet on my mind it still doth dwell,
My Jesus will do all things well.

5. Soon I shall pass this vale of death,
And in his arms resign my breath,
O then my happy sould shall tell,
My Jesus hath done all things well.

6. And when to that bright world I rise,
And join sweet seraphs in the skies,
Above the rest this note shall swell,
My Jesus hath done all things well.

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