October '02

Quote of the Month

Andrew: Your room is by no means small.
Shohei: True - I just have my shit lying around.
Andrew: Yes, shit tends to make a room smaller. This is the shit master speaking. I can't believe I just referred to myself as the shit master. Let us never recount this



Andrew: I walked into my desk, knee first.
Liz: That is not the proper way to walk into a desk - everybody knows that!


Michelle's Livejournal

"I think it's really funny that I was almost implicated in a rap label financial suit. That would've been fun." -- Michelle Pants


Some Irish pub in Huntington, and vicinity

"It's Andrew. His spit is like ... fairy dust!" -- Kathleen, whom I love.

Griff: Kim, you're so amazing.
Kim: People tell me that a lot ... when they're drunk.

"Your MOM!" -- Kathleen, repeatedly, pointing at a GAP sign.


The car, going somewhere (probably a restaurant)

"I SO wanted you to steam me up today. It was the perfect day for one." -- Hoter, again wanting a vanilla hazelnut steamer.


Women's Choir (I wasn't there, but Dana was)

Dr. Tagg: Wherever your hands fall is called your "natural level." No, Dana. Yours is too high.
Kate Yackel: Haha. Your "natural level" is wrong.



Mary: Do you happen to know the Native American word for Long Island?
Andrew: Nipoopatchuogue.
Mary: You made that up. I know because the word "poop" is in there.

"Commack really isn't in the same league as Speonk. They really shouldn't even be in the same sentence." -- Andrew, about the weird-soundingness of them.
"Post was a quirky place. I like a place with a good amount of quirk." -- Mary
"I think if you aren't obsessed with Billy Joel you are required to fill out special paperwork to be allowed to stay on Long Island for more than three consecutive nights." -- Mary


Schmitt's Farm, pumpkin picking

"You're not very orange, are you?" -- Hoter, to a bitchumbitchskankin


"It's like being in a Korean nail salon!" -- Dwight, as Antonya and I conversed in Sign Language.



"'Oh, so THAT'S why Shohei smelled funny - he's from the SUN." -- Shohei, imagining the repercussions of publicizing an online quiz result of his.

Andrew: Your room is by no means small.
Shohei: True - I just have my shit lying around.
Andrew: Yes, shit tends to make a room smaller. This is the shit master speaking. I can't believe I just referred to myself as the shit master. Let us never recount this.

"The plan is to corrupt little children, and look great while doing it." -- Alaina's email to the listserv.



"Don't I look like Pumpkin Spice today?" -- Andrew, to Charlie and Antonya, about my seasonally-colored shirt
"They're so ugly, they're cute." -- Cassie's feelings on pugs.

Antonya: Only three days away! Aren't you excited? Technically, it's only two days.
Andrew: And if you take one day away, it's only one day!

"At 10:55, try to sound desperate. If you have to make any announcements after 11, try to sound as angry as possible." -- Cassie, explaining how to do closing announcements.

Kathleen's car

"This is the tapping you on the leg portion of the evening." -- Kathleen

Efforts to get me to go to bed (thanks, Kathleen), online

"Go to bed, Andrew!" -- Kathleen's mom
"Go to bed! Dream about men!" -- Meg
"I've decided to take up professional yelling. Go to sleep! I'm going to sleep, and I'm cool. Don't you want to be like me?" -- Sara, being an after-school special.
"Angry man says go to bed! >:o He is so angry, he bites his tongue >:P " -- Kathleen (this works better on AIM)
" :( Sad man wants you to go to sleep. 0:) Angels are so confused that you are awake! ;) Keeping one eye open is not an option. :X That is a good start." -- Kathleen

Andrew: Go to bed!
Kathleen: No that's you.


Tompy's livejournal

"I hummed xmas carols to myself in the shower but I replaced all the words with bitch and skank because I saw a pumpkin patch sign." -- Tompy, and what a pumpkin patch sign was doing in her shower, I just don't know.


Online, but with Cricket!

"Gavin just brought a huge white thing into the living room. Never a dull moment." -- Cricket, describing life in Buffalo.

Excerpts from Cricket's (college) students' papers

"The painting was painted by Claude Monet. Monet painted the painting in 1875. The painting was painted on canvas with oil paint. The painting was 31 centimeters high and depressing."
"The painting was good because it was by Claude Monet."
"The painting was good becasue I liked it."
"This was a very pretty painting. The style came together to make it pretty. The overall mood of it was pretty."

"I would like to give partial credit to people who obviously don't know the answer, but make me laugh." -- Cricket



"The pen truly is mightier than the penis!" -- Skirky

Senseis' house, the JA instructor social

"I've never met so many people who've never eaten a cannoli before." -- Chris Litrel, introducing the magic of Long Island food to Master Wasentha Young and Sensei Imi Okazaki-Mullins.


JuJitsu America, Smithtown Sheraton

"And everyone knows shikaku." -- Sensei Arrington, to a room of mostly people who had no idea what shikaku was.

Sensei Okamoto: Sometimes if they really need it, I do a full massage and I ignore the screams of pain. That's only for close friends, though.
Sensei Fine: What was your name again?

(Sensei Middleton observes my leg spasm while massaging me)
Sensei Middleton: What does THAT mean?
Andrew: I don't know.

"There are no strikes in CDT (Compliance Direction Takedown), only insertions." -- Sensei Lovering
"Compliance is another word for pain." -- Matt

Andrew: You know what a horsebite is?
Matt: I'm an older sibling.


JuJitsu America, cont'd

"That's why the Japanese invented hakamas. You draw your sword and then when the guy's head's rolling on the floor he's thinking, 'Wait, did he step left or step right?" -- Sensei Goldberg

Andrew: Where are you from?
Priscilla: Venus.
Andrew: How's the weather there?
Priscilla: It's whatever I want it to be.

"You only get two questions, not three, two." -- Sensei Renner's exhausted uke.



"PJ ... JP ... PB&J ..." -- Hoter, trying to remember her brother's friend's name.

Kathleen's car

Andrew: You want to be a postal worker and a bus driver!
Kathleen: I want to be everyone in the Playschool village!


Andrew: My pinky's in your bun.
Hoter: My pinky's gonna be somewhere else if you don't take your pinky out of my bun.

Back in the car

"Oh, it's the slow man!" -- Kathleen, about a man on Jericho Tpke holding a sign that said "SLOW"

Andrew: I had a dream that I went to visit Sara and Dan in the country.
Kathleen: I want to visit Sara and Dan in the country!


Suzanne's House

"Boobs are like elbows to me." -- Andrew
"My doodles always end up looking like sperm." -- Andrew
"I have a bad feeling about this." -- Suzanne, about to play Twitch for the first time.
"I got my first shlong picture today." -- Sue, who develops photos at Genovese



Antonya: Look at all that potato!
Dwight: You're like a Black woman in a kitchen!