Organ of the Abbey Church of St Etienne, Caen

A short history and specification

Following a long period of neglect, a new organ was commisioned from the Rouen builder Lefebvre in 1737 and installed in 1745 on a specially constructed stone gallery at the West end. It comprised sixty stops over five manual in a fine case which remains. The instrument survived the revolution but it suffered a number of problems and a comprehensive restoration in 1860 failed to save it. In 1882 the parish commissioned Aristide Cavaillé-Coll to build a new instrument. As well as the case Cavaillé reused much of the pipework, albeit revoiced and reordered (for example the Bombarde 16' of the original Bombarde division is now on the Récit - heavily mitred). The mechanisms and layout were new. Apart from the addition of a Plein Jeu to the Recit (on Dupré's advice) during a comprehensive clean in 1954, and the provision of an elecric blower, the instrument has been kept exactly as installed in 1885. It is classed as an historic monument. There is a wealth of information about the instrument, including many drawings and photographs, in a long out of print book by Robert Davy (produced as a result of researches during the 1954 clean). Some of Robert's original drawings adorn the back of the case. At long last (1994) the Abbey authorities sell an A4 booklet (French and English versions) by Robert with some of his photographs.

Grand Orgue

Jeux de FondsJeux de Combinaison
Montre16Quinte2 2/3
Montre8CornetV1 8 12 15 17
Flute harmonique8Trompette8
Flute Octivante4


Jeux de FondsJeux de Combinaison
Unda maris8
Cor de Nuit8
Flûte douce4
CarillonI-III12 17 22


Jeux de FondsJeux de Combinaison
Diapason8CornetII-V1 8 12 15 17
Viole de Gambe8Bombarde16
Voix Céleste8Trompette8
Flûte Traversière8Clairon4
Flûte Octivante4
Plein Jeu?IV1954
Voix Humaine8


Jeux de FondsJeux de Combinaison
Grosse Flûte8
Bourdon Doûx8

Ventils, couplers etc

(From left to right)Orage (Storm - bottom 12 keys of Ped), G O (G to Ped), P (P to Ped),R (R to Ped), Oct graves GO (G sub Octave), Oct graves R, Anches Ped, [Swell Pedal], G (anches), P (anches), R (anches), Cop G (G to G), P (P to G), R (R to G), R/P (R to P), Tremolo (R tremulant).
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Last revision: 18/10/97

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