The official ANGIA homepage
( The Art of Nicolai Gedda International Association)

Nicolai Gedda

Nicolai Gedda, Tenor

The main purpose of this page is to spread information (old and new) about the famous Swedish tenor Nicolai Gedda. We will bring you concert tours, discograpy and other happenings related to Nicolai Gedda. In other words this is a page for discussion and spread of the art of Nicolai Gedda. This page will not be dedicated to gossip, but focus on the work rather than the private life of Nicolai Gedda. Please feel free to join the ANGIA membership and stay informed on the latest news. Naturally we will also try to answer any questions you might have. At present there is no fee, but as the member letter starts to come out we will take a small fee to cover our expenses. Also, please feel free to send suggestions and comments via email to:

This website is maintained by:
Christian Ekberg and Katarina Ekström