You Are My Friend
You are
My freind,
My companion
Through good times and bad
My friend
My buddy
Through happy and sad
Beside me you stand
Beside me you walk
You're there to listen
You're there to talk
With happiness
With smiles
With pains and tears
Through out the years
You're all good friends and I am grateful
She Stands Alone
Shte stands alone both tall and true
The perfect picture of solitude

The soul of woman encased in bark
With limbs that move in a majestic arc

Alone she faced the storms of life
The wind and rain, disease and strife

Others gave up, but no, not she
And there she stands for all to see

She had her shares of troubles and woes
But she made it through and still she grows

Like her, I too, know grief and pain
I've faced the wind, I'd felt the rain

And like her too, I still stand tall
Though life my beat me I will not fall

It may throw punches, I may take a blow
But in the end I too shall grow

Each storm I weather inceases my strength
And beneath this skin my soul to thanks

The elm and I, we know what to do
We count on ourselves and make it through
Forgive the sun who did not shine
The sky had asked her into dine

Forgive the stars who heard your wish
The moon prepared their favorite dish

Forgive the rain for it attacks
The clouds have tears they can't hold back

Don't hate the birds because they're free
Don't envy all the things you see

Don't block the winds but hear its cry
Or else that wind may pass you by

Forgive the earth that turns
Don't hate the sun because too much burns

Life intends not to cause pain
The flowers bloom from all the rain

The storms will come and it will pass
The sun that shines, it grows the grass

The wind cannot help but cry
The stars at night light up the sky

Forgive the world in which we live
We'll all find peace if we forgive.