
You tend to be very dominant that requires moderation. Instead you should develop great character with tolerance to be popular and known. You do possess excellent stamina for striving. With these qualities student could seek development in educational work laying the foundation for the rest of the year. Investment in relation to learning or writing would bring income. Your immediate family members would be less prosperous or you becoming prominent among them. Since your 3rd house is Aquarius where Sun is very powerful supporting feeble and unfortunate people you will be more powerful and prominent. Donation of yellow colour fruits to elderly people make you enjoy good health and overcome any prevailing maladies. As Sun is placed powerfully most unbeneficial trends are countermand. You can be healthy free from sickness.


During the period examined Sun is in Yoga firstly with Rahu and again towards the end of the period the yoga extends to Venus, undoubtedly it is powerful. You would develop good flair for pleasant talk. People engaged in sales related work will make a hay-day. Since your touch become gold extra care should be taken not overdo your assignments or become unwisely proud. Sun-Rahu is very compatible eradicating flawed effects. Then when Venus joins the yoga you would be agreeably disposed with substantially good income with good far sight. Generally yoga in the 2nd makes you spend the income unwisely selecting undesired projects where the returns are less. Similarly unpleasant domestic burden often erodes your income although your calculation is properly made. 


It’s an ideal placement especially for Sun to be in the 11th from Airs or in the 1st house in terms of your birth sign. Sun’s re-entry to the 1st house as in your case is generally not compatible. Yet traversing in your 1st which is also an enemy house you become an extrovert or outgoing person. You would be alert and active whilst being resourceful. You could be figured prominently in competition, as well as in work eclipsing other participants and colleagues. You would outwit all opponents to come through without a scratch. Sun is full of power and too much of it tends you to be careless and proud. You could exclusively enjoy good health subject to sudden sickness and catarrh.


Distressed with various predicaments some are your own and others are of your mates you endeavour to strike a balance. You make them to see the correct perspective and actively involve in meeting the deadline. It may not the ideal direction but generally a temporary solution. This is an excellent method to overcome your stress and occupying a back seat. Sun is in 12th Aquarius, Mars in 4th Gemini and Jupiter in 10th Sagittarius are excellent for you to be genuinely generous to people. Involve in meritorious activity you avoid facing long drawn out lawsuits, spending vainly, incurring expenditure. Sun is really weak in 12th you could face unfortunate court decision. Utmost care should be taken during the period 14th February to 15th March. You have the potential to travel abroad extensively.
Horoscope For the period 20th February to 21st March 2008

During the period 14th February to 15th March the Sun is in. Aquarius is the 11th house from Aries. Generally Aquarius is not a comfortable house for the Sun although re-entry in the 11th house is considered beneficial. People aren’t keen to enhance their life style or accumulate income or come up in their respective lives. Hence it is important for each individual to confidently lead from front gathering assistance from the team. Tolerance is very important listening to others’ comments. You cannot place implicit trust on anyone in particular nor relied upon. This is exactly opposite to what people have experienced during the past month. For the feminine personality there appears to be problems in domestic life. Most people would enjoy good health and an accident free month. Generally events occurring in the country will bring prosperity to all. It is always the individual effort that account for the general prosperity. Many hardships gone through in the past would come to a grinding halt. If people endeavour to uphold care and kindness, become sociologists, social workers or good politicians, supporting politically and literally down-thraldom and work for public welfare in common prosperity is not beyond reach. 

Your Sun-sign is different from your Birth-sign and it is also called the Rising-sign or Lugna. Every two-hour from the time of the Sun rise Earth moves to a different house or Rashi to be back on the following morning at Sun rise to a definite degree in the same house. On completion of 30º in a single house it moves to the next house. 

Bearing in mind that each horoscope has its own peculiarities, safeguards and exposures; general situation prevailing during the month under discussion is illustrated below:

In all your routine work you will be accepted and recognized and you will have support throughout. Whatever you engage in you have the assistance of people, society and elders. You will be in the company of noble friends who will deeply involve in your welfare. Eradicating ill ominous tendencies you will obtain god's blessings. Misfortunes, bad effects and ill omens associated with other planets would be liquidated. You will be healthy built and will be free from sickness. You have high advancement in living with the necessary comforts. These aspects may not have its full impact when Sun is in Aquarius or obsessed from ineffective planets or in their company as depicted in your birth chart. Otherwise Sun is powerful in the 11th for you to obtain windfalls during this period.


Intelligence and confidence are the two factors that would bring you many accolades. Venus is your rising Lord and unfriendly to Sun yet high riding positions are open to you. During this period you are ear-marked for fame, prominence and recognition. This is because Sun is very powerful in the 10th house as opposed to the 4th. You will be definitely acquiring these aspects if you were born during forenoon where Sun was at its brilliance best. Each individual horoscope has their own exposure and safeguards being in vicinity of effective or ineffective planets. Yet Sun in the 10th house for Taurus would register victories over victories to reap all pleasurable acts.  Being righteous and helpful would be a fillip to your existing luck. Recognition from the State is another factor you could look ford to.


Gifted from your Birth-sign lord Mercury your memory is sharp and intelligent. You could do no wrong to others when the Sun is moving in the 9th house especially when it is friendly to Mercury. With a Proper education you would be dominating in your work environment. You will be also recognized among the family circle. You may not benefit form either employment or studies in relation to your contribution nor you expect them as something due. Your arrangements cannot match the anticipation of your examiners but they would reluctantly approve. You have the opportunity to travel internationally or you would pave the way for a future occasion.


Pretentious and arrogant people are cautioned during the month February-March. Especially to those who are callous to prime relations and elders. Sun is in the 8th house is not helpful although it is extremely friendly to your Birth-sign Moon and you are cautioned against accidents of all types. Intolerance to partners, colleagues, team and employers can break your relationship in business, employment and domestic life. You tend to develop ungrateful tendencies. Whether you are successful and gain income depends entirely on your attitude to others. Lucrative partnership could also be possible if you are kind-hearted and tolerant. Students and young ones are protected from sickness others are not as lucky; could contact maladies easily. Engrossed with sad tidings all-around you are compelled to seek assistance through rituals and prayers.

Likely to work independently you cannot work in unison with others. Sun traversing in the 7th house is generally less powerful although your rising lord is Sun. However in this position it would be a bonus if you can make it powerful by endeavouring to uphold care and kindness and giving away donation to the needy. Being a sociologist or a social worker supporting those who are politically deprived or people of ill-thraldom you would regain lot of ground. Infections, urinary complications, haemorrhoids and other maladies are likely if you are not careful. Depending on the placement of other planets as per your Birth-chart each and every individual case may differ. Practising righteousness usually increases the Sun’s power effectively to gain benefits irrespective of the placement of planets in your original horoscope.


Resourceful you are likely to be selected for any employment automatically. The 6th house is very favourable for both Sun and Rahu though Sun is hostile to Rahu. Sun-Rahu yoga is fantastic.  Opponents have no chance whatsoever against you whether in work or in school environment. Placement of Sun in the house of Saturn in the 6th is powerful as in Aries or in Leo. During the coming month you would be free from sickness. Urge is upper most for sensual pleasures. You would march forward as a person of great bravery and strength to lead powerfully from front. You would be comfortable obtaining a good income and support.


Venus is your guiding lord and she is at enmity with the Sun. But Sun is ideally placed in the 5th house and also debilitated to your Birth-sign. You are versatile and could use your talents in many directions. You could enjoy the very best of health reducing the extra weight to correct proportion. Students are less interested in studies and concentrate more on aesthetics. Those engaged in literal and aesthetics based activities reap good income. Secondary and university students would lay the foundation for higher education and could master many disciplines. You may not have sufficient time at your disposal for domestic engagements. People dealing in martial activities would prefer diplomacy. Donation of silky garments to the needy would enhance your luck during the following 12-month period.


Initially you are mindless engaging in activates that are questionable. You developed a new concept of having your own interpretation of merits and demerits. This gives you a licence to indulge in blameworthy conduct regardless. Opposition from parents and relations with regard to young ones make their progress retarded. Generally Sun is weak in 4th house considering it is centre of earth whilst 10th is the summit of the sky. You can expect maladies phlegm based or palpitation or perspiration difficulties in chest during the month. Temporarily you could develop health problem having physically uncomfortable time with bodily pains and peace of mind. At the same time you are pleasant and accommodating; that alone is sufficient for others to pick on you. You may loose your patience and stature confronting and participating in brawls. Likely you live out of town and out of home most times.
