Major Elements of
Viking and Norse Mythology

The Following is a description of the main elements (who, what, and where) of the Viking's Norse mythology.  You will probably recognize many of the names - But did you know who was related to who?  What they were known for? Where they came from?  Read on and you will......


Places and Dwellings
in the Viking's Norse Mythology

  Asgard (Asgarth) 

- Abode of the Aesir  Gods

-  A Rainbow bridge connecting Midgard       and  Asgard



-  Home of the blessed after Ragnarok

-  A yawning Chasm that existed at the beginning of the universe, with it were Niflheim and Muspelheim.


Gladsheim (Glathsehim)

-  Hall of the gods in Asgard.

- A Realm of the dead within the underworld; a place of fog and intense cold.



-  Abode of the Giants

-  Abode of the Humans, the Earth.

Midgard (Midgarth)

- Hot, glowing land of fire in the south of Ginnungagap


- Ship to be used by giants in attacking Asgard at Ragnarok; built from nails of dead men.


- Outer region of cold and darkness; site of Hel, the land of the dead.

Niflheim (Nifelheim)

- Magic ship made by dwarfs and owned by Fre, could be folded up like a handkerchief



- Abode of the dwarfs

Great Hall in Asgard where Odin received souls of Heroes killed in Battle (Einherjar)

Valhalla (Valhall)