Year-11 Miss Viki

AS-Level CHE
AS-Level BIO
A-Level CHE
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This is in a nutshell what you have to know about the examination.

[For practical assessment we are doing paper 6]


– be able to describe the pathway taken by water as it passes through a plant – as liquid water into root hairs, across the root into xylem vessels and across the leaf; as water vapour through stomata.
– understand that transpiration reduces pressure at the top of xylem vessels and so causes water
to move up the xylem.
– be able to discuss the effect of temperature, humidity and wind strength on the rate of transpiration.
– know that substances that the plant makes in its leaves, especially sugar, are transported in phloem tubes.
– know that phloem tubes are found near the outer surface of a stem and understand that damage to the outer surface of a  stem or tree trunk may destroy phloem vessels and kill the plant.
– know that systemic pesticides are transported in phloem and explain the advantages of the use of systemic pesticides over contact pesticide.

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Fuels and combustion


− know what is meant by the term fossil fuel.
– be able to give examples and uses of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.
– understand that a hydrocarbon is a compound containing hydrogen and carbon only.
– appreciate that hydrocarbon fuels are derived from crude oil (petroleum).
– understand burning in terms of the fire triangle (fuel, oxygen, heat) and that the products of the complete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels are carbon dioxide and water.
– know the balanced equation for the complete combustion of methane.
– understand that incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels produces carbon monoxide
and carbon (as black smoke).
– understand that bond breaking absorbs energy and that bond making releases it.
– understand that in exothermic reactions more energy is  released when new bonds form than is absorbed to break bonds in the reactants.

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