3 dead
By Violent Joka

Fuck this shit
i have had it

its time to rise
its time everyone dies

its time for violent actions
i don't care about your factions
or reactions

so get in the death
its the bodies of the dead we be goin far

down the street
through the wheat
it is your destiny today u will meet

the first dead body we must pick up is right here
a fat ass drunk who died by the hand of having 2 much beer

see that tree?
he hit and killed his entire family

to hell he will go
for killing his family although he will neva know

U claim u care
but will u fare
if u relize somebody is always dieing somewhere

u may be next, u neva know
could be killed in the rain sleet or snow

Its time for #2
so what did he do

let's see hmm he was a priest
he praised the deceased

he took your money
and spent it on his honey

says he works for god
i find that odd
when he was always tryin to get on a hot bod

how did he die
my oh my

he tried to cop some coke
the dealer thought it was a joke

the dealer pulled out the gun
the priested preyed to live this day
the bullets were sprayed
there in the street is where his dead body layed


Its time for number three
who could it be
i can't believe its... me?

what did i do
and to who

i killed someone? i said it was fun?

who did i kill
was it bill
or the man on the top of the hill

I killed the ignorent, the biggots, and the bitchies
and on the way i took a couple richie

well i must know
is it to hell i will go

u dont say
its shang-ra-la all the way

i've done good, i followed the dream
and now i go down the road of the happy stream

but how did i die?
they made me fry!

fuck that
that shit is wack
but now we see where the heart is really at

the rest of u go to the echoside
but in a mustang in heaven i will ride.

next time think of what u do
cuz the next person dead could be u


©Violent Joka