Fuck the Living
By Violent Joka

Don't take this song serious, i wrote it on a bad day, i don't wanna get arrested for speakin my mind, but that's the way the government works.

i wanna be dead
i want a bullet to whiz through my head

i wanna be in a way which i never wuz

i wanna be dead
that's all thats ahead
with a bullet in me while laying in bed

but my real plan is to be free
drive down the road at a 120 mph and hit a mothafuckin tree

but when i die
i wanna make sure everyone else will fry
and you ask why

because its thier fault i feel the way i do
and if u gota problem guess wat, i'm gonna kill you

i dont give a fuck
u all fucking suck

if i would get a fine for 55
your lucky if your still alive
my life is a complete dive

i need fucking help
i have no confidence in myself

dont consider this a threat
consider it a warning
because u might goto school one morning
and be dead
jim janie and fred

soon as the sixth jokers card will drop
my gun will go a pop pop pop
and it is something u can't stop

u will all learn
and u wont mourn

i am done
this aint fun

and prey
because u will hopfully die today

©Violent Joka