Program Index

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1) Snakers

This is a small worm game for dos. This program is made on C.

Download (62.4 kb)

2) Clock

Small analog clock program. Both dos and windows versions are available. Dos version in C and Windows version is written in VB

Download (93.8 kb)


A small mnemonic interpreter. You can write simple programs in mnemonic language and interpret it using this program. Pascal source code is also included.

Download (58.9 kb)

4) Slate Game

This a puzzle to arrange numbers in order. This program is made using Visual Basic.

Download (32.3 kb)

5) Quiz

Quiz program and lots of quizzes. This program is made using Visual Basic

Download (78.0 kb)

6) Magic Square

This is a program to generate magic squares. Both C++ and Pascal source code is included.

Download (23.7 kb)

7) Roman Numeral

This program convert a decimal number to roman number. Pascal source is included.

Download (4.27 kb)

8) Number to words

This program convert decimal number to words. E.g.: 1234 = one thousand three hundred and four. This program is made by using Pascal.

Download (5.92 kb)

9) Calendar

This program will show you the calendar of any months between 1 January 1900 and 31 December 4000. C source code is included.

Download (25.4 kb)

10) Text Viewer

This program is used to view text files. Pascal source code is included.

Download (27.4 kb)

11) Text Effects

Two small programs to demonstrate two different text effects

Download (15.7 kb)

12) L2U

A small assembly language program to convert capital letter to small and vice versa

Download (1.88 kb)

Runtime 200 error in turbo Pascal

If you are using a processor with greater speed you may get a runtime error while trying to compile and execute Pascal programs using crt unit(uses crt).

You have to apply patch for turbo.tpl file in the Turbo Pascal 7 bin directory

You can download patched turbo.tpl file from

All files in this site are in zip file format. You can uncompress the downloaded files using any UnZip utility.
Download unzip from

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I don't think these programs are free from errors so please inform me if you found any bugs -

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