Yes Sir.....     Vinay Punnoose                                                                                                                                                     



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Monday 14December2003

Confessions of a Software Engineer. 

Good Morning- Right Ho said I,

To my friend who always greeted me

As time flew by.
Why she did that, I don’t know.

Sure she must be having a reason,

Thought I and my people said so.


Chirping and flying she bounced

dallying on the fence

But did I have time

For there were bugs to fix, commitments to keep

And  all those things which should be mine for keeps.


Ten bugs fixed, So I’ll call it a day

Lets get home, before it is too late

Evening reds, got me to think of her

Perhaps, she needs me or she just loves me

So today I’ll talk to her.


On the way back home

I took a turn by my school

Lying there a naked soul

A worried look, a narrowing glance

Who could miss her but a fool


 Beautiful she looked, red breasted she was

Until the time, she laid there as a crass



Why was that

She wanted me on the chat.

I still don’t know, or do I care

For there are bugs to fix, commitments to keep

And  all those things which should be mine for keeps.


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