T H E   G A L L E R Y   [ S P O O K Y   W A Y   O F   S H O W I N G   A   T I T L E   I S N ' T   I T   ?   ;-) ]
Will loading his gun with Glazer Safety slugs
517X768 152Kb
A determined Will Graham
520X768 126Kb
Will Graham
499X500 195Kb
Will in the woods - Stop it... STOP IT!
800X522 175Kb
Will and Freddy Lounds, the National TATTLER reporter
400X296 85Kb
Will facing Doctor Lecktor
800X527 196Kb
Poring over clues with Bowman
800X542 168Kb
In the Leeds' house
572X768 86Kb
French poster
412X560 96Kb
In the Leeds' house (crap quality)
626X1000 205Kb
Will heading for the sleeping rooms - publicity shot
473X800 170Kb
Will reporting clues in his tape recorder - publicity shot
508X800 238Kb
Will Graham
316X500 52Kb
Will Graham in a FBI meeting room
400X294 99Kb
A wonderful publicity shot - Une magnifique photo publicitaire
429X750 110Kb
Go on punk, make my day - Is he aiming at the good guy?
622X400 112Kb
Will aiming at a suspect
505X768 182Kb
Will and Molly during quiet times
800X525 165Kb
Will and his wife Molly
400X295 69Kb
A kiss before the storm
! N E W 281X198 24Kb N E W !
The chase is over - publicity shot
574X800 166Kb
She could have saved Francis Dollarhyde
495X400 80Kb
Reba in Dollarhyde's house
! N E W 605X407 114Kb N E W !
Lecktor in his cell - cut scene
800X524 173Kb
Lecktor in his cell
614X500 117Kb
Lecktor thinking - publicity shot
329X498 85Kb
Freddy Lounds still blindfolded - publicity shot
! N E W 600X406 130Kb N E W !
Freddy Lounds and The Red Dragon - cut scene
436X298 55Kb
 Lounds facing the Red Dragon
800X526 147Kb
Dollarhyde making up his tools
800X524 163Kb
The Red Dragon (scene cut from the final version of the film)
500X395 85Kb
Meet the Red Dragon - publicity shot
518X800 164Kb
Freddy Lounds after his transformation - cut scene
293X400 39Kb
An expert of the FBI
333X500 28Kb
Thomas Harris's novel - read it.
249X400 61Kb
Desktop wallpaper - Fond d'écran
1024X768 376Kb