Loser... scum... garbage... not as bad as Lowlife~! This is the site where I put my crap. You got a problem, bub? (thx goes 2 Levin Trinidad for almost everything!)


[October 4th, 2004]

hi christina... here'z ur stuff


Brief History

Founded in 1795, the city of Edmonton started off as a mere trading post for the Hudson's Bay Company as Fort Edmonton. Shortly after it's completion, a fur trader by the name of John Rowand arrived and took up residence and quickly became recognized as the leader of Fort Edmonton by the Plain Indians. For the next 30 years, he arranged all the trading of fur between the Cree and Blackfoot. It was because of John's excellent leadership that Fort Edmonton became the economic center in the area.

Fort Edmonton, although rich from the fur trading, was still only just a fort. After the government sold off the fort to the local settlers at a good price, more and more people decided to live in its vicinity. In 1892, it officially became recognized as a town with 700. Due to the discovery of gold in 1897, the population skyrocketed as thousands of prospectors headed north, stopping at Edmonton for supplies. It officially became a city in 1904 with a population count of 9,000. It was also at this time that it became the capital of Alberta.


Edmonton can be found on the latitude of 53° 19' N and a longitude of 118° 53' W, with the Saskatchewan River running through the heart of the city. It is one of the most northern major city in Canada and is located towards the western front. It may only be the sixth largest capital in Canada, but it is one of the largest cities in North America, sitting in at about 670 kmē. However, because of its large area, its population density is much lower then most developed cities. It is also known as the oil capital of Canada because of the rich oil deposits situated conveniently nearby in the areas of Leduc, Redwater, and Pembina.


Besides being the capital of oil in Canada, Edmonton is also the sunniest major city in Canada. In fact, the whole province of Alberta is generally sunny and has been granted the nickname "Sunny Alberta." In the summer, Edmonton can max out at 17 hours of sunshine a day. It rains on occasion during the earlier parts of May and later parts of August. First frost can begin as soon as late semptember and the first permanent snowfall to grace the land usually starts sometime in November. Ironically enough, the coldest days in winter are the sunniest and depending on where the climate comes from, be it from the Pacific Ocean or from Alaska, the temperature in Edmonton during the winter can vary greatly.

Cultural Landscape

Edmonton's economy highly depends upon the oil industry and the large amount of tourists they get for their world famous, West Edmonton Mall. And because of the lack of provincial sales tax (PST) in Alberta, it helps attract business from outside the country. Speaking of which, Edmonton has several other major tourist attractions including 50km of trail for hiking, biking, jogging, and cross-country skiing. This single attraction is the longest in all of North America. Banff and Jasper National Park are also located near Edmonton. Asides from being an ideal tourist attraction, it is also known as Canada's "Festival" city with over twelve city-wide festivals featuring a host of events, ie the Jazz City International festival held annually in June and the Edmonton Folk Music festival. Another important festival would be the "Klondike Days Festival" held every year in July. It lasts for one week in which up to 750,000 people are accounted for every year. It is in commemoration of the Klondike Gold Rush which set the town on its road to prosperity. Because of this, the festival adopts a gold rush theme with events like the chuckwagon race, carnival rides, and fireworks. Edmonton's population count sits at a stunning 937, 845, according to the 2001 census. Although oil is still its economic backbone, it has started to diversify it's economy as the population continues to grow.


Edmonton is an excellent example of Coniferous forestry. As the name would suggest, it is mainly composed of coniferous trees. Having understood that Edmonton is set in an coniferous forest, we can then reflect back upon what we have said above about it's climate. Coniferous forest regions tend to have all four seasons well defined, from a long cold winter to warm and humid summers. All of this was previously stated. The trees of the coniferous forest, evergreen's (spruce, pines, and firs for instance) produce cones and needles which stay on the tree all year long, hence why they're called "evergreens." Living within the coniferous forest are varies types of animals, including different types of owls, black bears, moose, and fish such as different types of trout and perch.


Edmonton is a prosperous city which has become wealthy from the profit it makes from the oil industry and tourism. Although there is the limitation of the Saskatchewan River, Edmonton has managed to build itself around it and eventually even incorporated it as part of the capital. What started off as a mere trading post for fur has become one of the biggest cities in Canada with a bright future ahead of it.








[August 7th, 2003]

Current Song: X Japan - X Dream

Heyo~ i no i havn't updated on dis page specifically, but dat duznt mean i haven't updated my journal page so ppl'z who haven't read stuff in between can go get updated now :D also, i got a xanga site, so if u wanna get more details go check it out, account name: Lowlife2199.

[July 9th, 2003]

PNE was the best... it seems so far off ago that we had fun 2gether on dat day... Go cheq out da Journal page for more stuff...

[June 21th, 2003]

Hey, guess wut peeps?! its da fourth day into summer and i finally remembered to write somefin'! Well, i have been a lil busy wif stuff... So herez da plan for diz summer! A bunch of us r gonna go 2 PnE diz tuesday, as in June 24th. Dat means i have 2 sumhow scrounge 2gether 30-35 bux or so to cover for da expenses...

[May 18th, 2003]

Made another little note on the journal page... ditto as the update beneath.

[May 16th, 2003]

Made a little note on the journal page... click on M if you want to see it... depressing news right from the beginning of this damned page...

[May 3rd, 2003]

First post on dis pathetic excuse for a website... I owe everything here to Levin Trinidad~ I'll put some crap here when I feel lyk it so come around later if u r EXTREMELY bored.

(more to come)