Full Disclosure
This page will give full disclosure of funds received for each project and how each project is proceeding. We will hire highly qualified and experienced staff to operate and accomplish every project with utmost care and ethics to insure success.

Phil. 1:19 For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

~| The First Step Was To Email My Letter - Emails Sent To Date = 400 |~

Pillar and Base Productions, Inc. -

Funds received to date: $00.00 ~ Goal: $20 Million


V-Incorporated Enterprises -

Funds received to date: $00.00 ~ Goal: $50 - $400 Million


Renewable Energy Industries -

Funds received to date: $00.00 ~ Goal: $100 - $400 Million


City Resurrection Society -

Funds received to date: $00.00 ~ Goal: $100 - $400 Million


24hrBible Organization -

Funds received to date: $00.00 ~ Goal: $100,000


Myself -

Funds received to date: $00.00 ~ Goal: Keep the heat and electric on, a roof over our heads, get a job and back on our feet.

(This portion will be removed once we are on our feet again or if any of the projects listed on these pages begin)

Thank you so very much for helping my wife and me personally. May God bless you always.


I tried something different today. I called all the clergy listed in the phone book and asked gave the following message:

Hello, my name is Vincent Owens and I need your help.

Right now I am unemployed and struggling to find work. My wife and I are going to lose our heat and electric. In the spring I will have work, but for now we cannot pay all the bills, yet alone eat.

Can you help me find a job or can you send us $10 to help us get through the next three months?

I'm only asking you once and I plan to return every dime people give me when I manifest the dreams I have posted on my website. In my heart I know that God will bless those who help and He will remember those who didn't.
I am keeping a LIST of those who are helping.
So far it seems NO Christians care 2/9/09

